Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Ann hosted a fun book club Thursday with midwest flare for Amy, Bianca, Tamar and me. I loved the relish tray complete with baby carrots, black olives and "midwest sushi" -a pickle smeared with cream cheese wrapped in ham. Yum!

For dinner we had a delicious Frito pie chili and salad. Then warm chocolate chip cookies over shots of milk and the decadent cupcakes Amy brought for dessert. Double yum!

Most everyone had read the book and we discussed what a page turner it was until a disappointing  ending. Bianca had some insider insights since she used to work with the author at Entertainment Weekly. As always the conversation veered to other topics other than the book, like Scientology. I think hairy balls were left out this time though.
Thanks Ann! Tamar is hosting next in January and I think the book is The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach.