Monday, April 1, 2013

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

March 19th, Liesel hosted a very pregnant book club - well, I guess she was the only one pregnant;) We chose a classic, Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone got through it. I thought it was just me because I had a much older (unreadable) translation, but it seemed no one could really get into it. A few of us said we would push on but it's still sitting collecting dust on my night stand as I've moved on to other stuff.

I'm so mad I forgot to take a photo - AGAIN! Can you guys please remind me? I have no brain! In attendance was, Liesel, her sister, Dana made a guest appearance, Bianca, AmyR, Suzy and me. Cute little Luca made a few pantless appearances as well as wanting all of us to witness his bath time. He is so adorable!

The food and company was fab. I loved the butternut squash soup and salad. Thanks Liesel! I hope you can make it next time but it may be cutting it close! The next book is another classic, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and I think Heather is next up to host. We also talked about seeing the movie as a group. It comes out May 10th I think.

Since I forgot to take a pic, I thought I'd include one from Easter of my baby boy with a chick. Isn't he presh?

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