Monday, November 3, 2014

The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert

Tamar hosted a fun October Book Club. It was me, Suzy, Bianca, Liesel and Dana. Tamar made a delicious salad, enchilada dish and chocolate chip cookies! The book was The Signature of All Things - a hit with everybody. I was only half way through and totally didn't see the twists coming even though you guys were hinting! Now I'm almost at the end and dreading it being over. I think it's Elizabeth Gilbert's best writing by far. I enjoyed Eat, Pray, Love very much but I had no idea she was capable of this level of writing. I was wondering how she knew so much about botany, then I read this on her Facebook feed. Very inspirational...

Dear Ones -

I found this picture today that my husband took of me in 2011, doing research for THE SIGNATURE OF ALL THINGS. This photo captures exactly what I did for three straight years. I sat in a chair, reading books about botany, evolution, abolition, women's history, missionaries, Dutch 18th century commerce, and order to fill my brains (and index cards) with enough information to write that novel.

There is no situation in which I could possibly be happier than this — submerged in the vocation that I love, vanishing for hours a day into my work.

Un-showered, greasy hair, eyes tired, totally falling down the rabbit hole of research...this is me, living my dream.

I was thinking today about all the other paths that I did not take in life, no matter how shiny and appealing they may have looked. I've had the possibility of living so many different kinds of life that could have been a dream for somebody else. I never choose those lives. I've never lived the dreams that other people wanted for themselves — nor have I lived the dreams that other people may have wanted for me. 

I never had children...because that's somebody else's dream.

I never took the opportunities that were offered to me after the success of EAT PRAY LOVE to have a TV show of my own...because that's somebody else's dream.

I never took a good steady job teaching writing at a nice college...because that's somebody else's dream.

I didn't remain in Bali or Rome, gorgeous as those places are...because that's somebody else's dream.

I turn down 99% of the invitations I get to attend to fancy parties and stellar gatherings...because that's somebody else's dream.

I sold my big beautiful house with its fabulous gardens and lovely library...because one day I looked around at that gorgeous home and realized: "This is somebody else's dream." (Happily, I sold the house to the family whose dream it actually was. So we all win.)

I never hired a team of personal assistants and staff and consultants to help me "grow my brand"...because that's somebody else's dream.

I know what makes me come to life — working on my books — and this picture tells the whole story. Knowing what makes me come to life has helped me to distinguish between my dreams and the dreams of others.


Ask yourself this question, whenever you are given any choice or opportunity. Ask: "Will saying YES to this path bring me closer to the source that brings me to life? Or will it take me further away?"

No matter how alluring, no matter how beautiful, no matter how sparkling and fancy and delicious — do not say YES to other people's dreams.

Do your own thing. Live in your own waking dream. Stubbornly.

Even if it means not washing your hair for a week. (ESPECIALLY if it means that!)


Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

September's book club was hosted by Liesel. Unfortunately I was out of town so I don't know who was there, what you ate or talked about but the book was Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. From what I heard it seems that it wasn't that popular a pick. Suzy was saying the book made her feel bad about herself because it was dismissing extroverts as just loudmouths, not deep thinkers, always the loudest and first to answer but not necessarily with the best, most thoughtful answer. I can understand how that could be offensive because there's obviously many extroverts who are deep thinkers - like Suzy.

I found the book pretty fascinating as an introvert or more bluntly, a lifelong sufferer of debilitating shyness. To work, make friends and get by in the world I've had to fake it so I thought the book was validating as a person whose strengths are not shooting my hand up in class, being vocal, talking in front of people or "thinking on my feet". Those are qualities that are valued in this world and I'm envious of people who naturally possess them. I was happy to read a book about my side, the undervalued side. If you're a natural extrovert I think you're lucky. You're deemed smarter, more likeable, more attractive. You're hired more, elected to office more and seen as more competent, even if it's not true!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Who says we need a book for book club? We had so much fun at Stefanie's super cool Pasadena rental house last night to watch the 1988 cult classic, "Heathers". Stefanie made yummy sliders and tomatoes with mozzarella and pesto. There was plenty of pate and of course Corn Nuts for movie snacks. It was me with 5 week old Baby Pippa, Suzy, Bianca, Stef's college friend, Liz and a real life Heather donning a super awesome croquet shirt. It's always fun to get together on a hot summer night to reminisce with great girlfriends! We are going to sorely miss our yearlong book club guest:( Don't go, Stef!

The Circle by Dave Eggers

Suzy hosted a lovely al fresco dinner for this month's book club. She made a delicious chili and salad with berries and brownies for dessert. The book was Dave Egger's, The Circle about a Google-like company that takes over the world and everybody's privacy along with it.

We had a special guest, Tallie who made the night even more fun as well as a two week old Baby Pippa making her first book club appearance! Her brother, Shepard was there too for a few minutes in the beginning. It was Suzy, me, Amy R, Amy S, Tallie, Bianca and Ann (sorry I forgot you!) As usual the conversation strayed from the book even though several people had read it to sex, marriage, divorce to crazy 4th of July stories. Love you girls!

What Remains by Carole Radziwill

I hosted May's book club at my new pad in the Val. We read Carole Radziwill's memoir, What Remains about the death of her husband, Anthony Radziwill and her friends' and husband's cousin, JFK jr and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy. I thought it was a pretty interesting read since I was so obsessed with them in the mid-90's when I lived in New York and still haven't gotten over their tragic deaths in a plane crash in '99. As a "Real Housewives of NYC" devotee I thought the book added depth to Carole's character for me.

It was a 8 1/2 month pregnant me, Suzy, Abby, Tamar, Amy R, Liesel, Stefanie and Bianca. I made salmon, cauliflower, a salad and some crazy gooey cookies. I wish I had remembered to take a picture! Next book club the baby will be on the outside of my body!

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, Second Half

AmyS hosted Part II of The Goldfinch book club. It was a pretty intimate group of just me, Suzy and Stefanie but we had a great time and got to talk about all sorts of stuff - not so much the book but oh well!

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt : First Half

Ann hosted March's book club. Allegedly Matt made super delicious margarita's. Unfortunately I could not imbibe because of the baby in my belly. The book was the first half of The Goldfinch which I am loving. It was me, AmyS, Suzy, AmyR, Abby and Liesel. It's always a good time to yuck it up with you girls. We didn't so much talk about the book but there's always next month!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

Bianca hosted a lovely book club last night. I loved seeing her cool new house and the kids running around! The carrot, lemon, ginger soup was so delicious as well as the homemade croutons and salad. Yummy!

It was Bianca, Liesel, Suzy, AmyM, Dana, Stefanie, me and it was great to welcome back Abby! It's always a relief to laugh, talk and hang out with you girls!

I think Bianca and Stefanie were the only ones to actually finish the book but I came close! It took a little while to get into but once you do it's pretty fascinating. As Stefanie said "It's like Downton Abbey meets Sliding Doors". Life can turn out so many different ways.